Introducing the all- new legal segment #AskAttyStacey every Friday on Grateful Badass Podcast.
We are partnering with Grateful Badass Podcast with a new legal segment. Individuals should email their questions for Attorney Stacey to provide her input and insight. SM Cameron Law is happy to bring a new and interesting segment to folks each week.
Interested in having a legal question addressed on the podcast? Email GratefulBadass7@gmail.com.
We look forward to your questions and follow- up from Attorney Stacey. You can find Grateful Badass Podcast here and wherever you podcast.
With gratitude, in service,
~ S.M. Cameron Law and Mediation, PLLC
* Our office is currently taking cases in our New York Office and will receive Georgia clients very soon
**A LGBTQ+ Friendly Firm
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Instagram: @smcameronlaw
Twitter: @smcameronlaw
Website: smcameronlaw.com
LinkedIn: Stacey M. Cameron S. M.Cameron Law and Mediation, PLLC

Attorney Stacey M. Cameron has practiced law for over a decade and half serving those in need of sound and effective legal representation. She is committed to working with community local to New York and Georgia areas. Grateful to serve always, please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions or concerns about your legal needs.