The firm hopes that our clients and potential clients are having a great summer. Whether you’re in Atlanta or New York, there’s an abundance of…
2023 Year in Review… Check out Part One and Part Two below. It’s been a wonderfully, blessed year. SM Cameron Law serves our clients and…
Greetings, We consider it an honor and a blessing to serve. There’s still work to do for today and tomorrow before our office closes for…
Board of Governors Fall meeting, State Bar of Georgia, October 27-29. Service does have its benefits! What better way to handle the business of the…

Diverse neutrals gathered at Howard University School of Law on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 to sit down with Selectors (Shell Company, GM, Blank Rome LLP, and more)…

In recognition of Law Day 2023, join us on Facebook Live Saturday, May 27th at 3PM to discuss the book, “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson.…

Our firm celebrates Law Day 2023. Law Day began in 1958 and officially recognized by President Eisenhower in 1961. It is observed nationally on May…

Our Founder, Stacey M. Cameron, is a candidate for the State Bar of Georgia’s Board of Governors Out-of-State Post one position. We would appreciate your…

2023 is coming!! Our firm wishes to give the boost you didn’t know you needed for 2023! It’s an Estate Planning Celebration. Ten days only.…

It’s the Holidays! There’s no better time to give the gift of Generational Wealth! For yourself or for your loved ones.Wrap up 2023 with necessary documents…