It’s no secret that folks do not like to speak about death and dying, even though it is a fact of life. A natural order…
It’s no secret that folks do not like to speak about death and dying, even though it is a fact of life. A natural order…
S. M. CAMERON LAW AND MEDIATION, LLCGEORGIA OFFICE EVENT: “OFFICE HOURS” Peachtree Offices at Lenox3355 Lenox Road, 10th FLRAtlanta, Georgia 30326 Friday, October 29th, 2:00…
Introducing the all- new legal segment #AskAttyStacey every Friday on Grateful Badass Podcast. We are partnering with Grateful Badass Podcast with a new legal segment.…
In the featured photo, I’m standing with my youngest, Jalyn at one of the most exciting times of my professional career. The moment this photo…
Law Day 2021 is officially on the first of May and is celebrated all throughout the month of May. Cameron Law and Mediation will acknowledge…
In these extremely uncertain times, we need to ensure that we have all of our bases covered, especially regarding our estates. Whether you have $1,400…
Wishing each of you a Blessed and Healthy New Year! ~ SM Cameron Law and Mediation.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Be safe and well during this time. Blessings. “Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say.…
I hope that you have already or are planning to vote on today. Much hangs in the balance for our country, for all of us…