Law Day 2021 is officially on the first of May and is celebrated all throughout the month of May. Cameron Law and Mediation will acknowledge Law day created in 1961 by President Dwight Eisenhower as a manner of reminding the general public of the importance of law in our daily lives.

Join us during the month and watch the film. Marshall featuring Chadwick Boseman. The film portrays a portion of the life of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Watch the film which is streaming online on multiple sites and report back and share with us your thoughts. We would love to hear what you thought of the film and more importantly, the life and legacy of Justice Marshall, the first African- American to serve on the highest court of the land.
See the flyer above for more information. See the American Bar Association for additional information and related resources.
Happy Law Day 2021!
~ S. M. Cameron, Esq.
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Attorney Stacey M. Cameron has practiced law for over a decade and half serving those in need of sound and effective legal representation. Atty Cameron is also founder of Grateful Badass, LLC and host of Grateful Badass Podcast. Co-Author of Grateful As Ever Daily Quarantine Notes and Grateful As Ever Daily Journal and Workbook. See GratefulAsEverBook.com for more information. Find follow and support Stacey Mack and Grateful Badass below.
Follow S. M. Cameron, Esq.
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Website: smcameronesq.com
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Pinterest: @AuthorStaceyMCameron