It’s no secret that folks do not like to speak about death and dying, even though it is a fact of life. A natural order in the cycle of life. My maternal grandmother used to say often, “once an adult, twice a child”. Meaning, we are born into the world as a baby, and then, generally leave this earth in a most similar state of need as children. That is, assistance with basic needs as we near end of life. I can remember visiting my Grandmother in the country in the South many a summer. Word had it that Grandmother had all of her affairs in order well before the age of fifty. Knowing her meticulous nature concerning “taking care of business”, this was no rumor.
Growing old is inevitable and with that, comes a need to plan. All individuals over the age of eighteen should have a Last Will and Testament prepared and executed. The pandemic has brought to our doorstep, the notion of, tomorrow isn’t promised. Even with all that we have seen as a nation during an on-going global pandemic, many people still shy away from the subject. Let’s take a lesson from my Grandmother and address our end of days well before time. It’s a true blessing to grow old, we know this. My own Dad turns one year older on today- Happy Birthday! Instead of shying away from planning ahead, embrace it as the true blessing that it is.
Talk about your end of life plans with family and friends. Then, gather a listing of your items and assets and head to take care of business.
Below is a non- exhaustive list to assist you. Items to consider before preparing and executing a Will. And, of course, if in New York or Georgia, you can always give us a call.
Gather your list…
Name of Party:
Executor/ Executrix/ Alternate:
Guardian (of minor children)
Trust for minor children necessary-
Real Estate-
Bank Accounts-
Insurance Policies-
CDs/ Stocks-
Personal Property/ Tangibles:
Funeral Arrangements:
Burial/ Cremation- (Funeral package/plots purchased or designated)
Other Funeral Services specifics
Contact Information:
Contact Information for someone who will always know your
address and contact information-
Other information-
Need of Revocable Trust
Need for a Power of Attorney (Durable/ Springing)
Need for a Advanced Healthcare Directive
Here to serve.
~ S. M. Cameron, Esq.
Estate Planning * Business Formations* Trademarks* Mediation/ Arbitration
*This post does not provide legal advice or legal representation in any form. General information presented only.*

Attorney Stacey M. Cameron has practiced law for over a decade and a half serving those in need of sound and effective legal representation. She is committed to working with community local to New York and Georgia areas. Grateful to serve always, please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions or concerns about your legal needs.