Our Founder, Stacey M. Cameron, is a candidate for the State Bar of Georgia’s Board of Governors Out-of-State Post one position. We would appreciate your love and support in this endeavor.
If you are or know of a Georgia Attorney who lives and/or works outside of Georgia, please send this message and ask for them to VOTE for Attorney Cameron. We would appreciate their vote.
Attorney Cameron seeks to:
- Advocate for concerns which affect and are on the minds and hearts of out-of-state Georgia lawyers while they advocate for others;
- Be a voice for out-of-state Georgia Attorneys;
- Continue serving community as she has in both Georgia and New York.
Voting begins March 20th and runs through April 21st. We’ll see you on the other side!
We are here.
~ Stacey M. Cameron, Esq.
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Stacey M. Cameron, Attorney | Mediator | Arbitrator
*Attorney Advertising*
