Family and friends at the dinner table this year. It will be an interesting time for most of us.
This year, there’s a good chance that we may see family. Last year this time, the CDC encouraged us to remain in our respective homes. Today, we are grateful for progress, vaccinations, and, in some places, mandated vaccinations, for the good of us all. There’s been a severe loss of face time with our families and friends and we will most likely catch up over Thanksgiving Dinner. What’s the latest family news? Who’s having a baby? Who’s getting a divorce, where quarantine and lockdowns proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, as Gracie, my Mom would say, who’s selling their home and headed onto greener pastures since many no longer have to be physically present in office spaces.
Expectations of missed family opportunities are high, along with the potential for brewing family discord. Amid a consistent, ongoing pandemic, one question to ask and answer is whether everyone has their “business” in order. Now is the time for the real and important questions. Hopefully, the pandemic has taught us this.
“Mother Dear, is your Last Will and Testament prepared? Financial Power of Attorney? Uncle Joe’s Health Care Proxy, so that if anything happens and he is placed in the hospital under dire circumstances, everyone knows his last wishes.”
These are real questions to ask at the Thanksgiving dinner table this year. Is Sister really moving to Canada away from all of our country’s problems? That’s an important question and so is, is she ready just in case something should happen?
Let’s go around the table this year before we head to the stores for Black Friday deals and ask one another real questions. Are you ready and prepared “just in case”?
Call SM Cameron Law and Mediation if you need us. We are here.
with gratitude, in excellence.
~ Stacey M. Cameron, Esq.
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Attorney Stacey M. Cameron has practiced law for over a decade and a half serving those in need of sound and effective legal representation. Attorney Stacey is committed to working with communities local to New York and Georgia. Grateful to serve always, please feel free to contact our offices should you have any questions or concerns about your legal needs.