As summer is the time to get more reading done, I’ve been fervently reading, The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Your Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. It’s an excellent book about living within your greatest potential, releasing your fears and getting to the celebrated, highest level- the Zone of Genius. The book is everything I’ve ever needed in my efforts to reach the highest level of operation for my law firm, which as you may know, I operate within two states, New York and Georgia.
According to Dr. Hendricks, there is the Zone of Competence, which is the lowest level, the Zone of Excellence, which is midlevel and where most people live as they do activities extremely well. And finally, the Zone of Genius. The Zone of Genius, think of the movie, The Matrix where Neo is trying to figure out who he is and towards the end of the film, he finally gets it and realizes he is THE ONE. Being “the one” equals Zone of Genius. At this level, Neo can do phenomenal things, move through walls, levitate. He becomes a pure Badass and to know that he had the power all the time and only had to rid himself of doubts and fears is mindboggling. The Zone of Genius is where I seek to be. Where we all should live, operating on the highest level -making it happen, saving the world! All of it.
Like Neo, we are the ones and as soon as we fight through the many obstacles which we create for ourselves, we can live and move in our Zone of Genius. The place where we are uniquely stationed to do things that only we can do.
As a business owner, my goal and desire is to live and thrive with self, clients, and community working within the Zone of Genius. We are all here to do a thing, whatever that thing is. For me, it’s working on legal matters and advocating for our clients. What’s your thing?
Reaching our Zone of Genius is going to take being intentional, steady work, ridding our lives of the things which block our paths. As we wrap up summer and move into a new season, I say let’s seek out our Zone of Genius. We are the ones.
Be safe and enjoy as we head into another season of life. Be good.
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~ Stacey M. Cameron, Esq.
Stacey M. Cameron, Attorney | Mediator | Arbitrator
Call S. M. Cameron Law and Mediation if you need us. We are here. Schedule an appointment with our office today. New York & Georgia
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